Excel Howto?
Excel VBA how to?
-Aviral Mittal
1. How to know what 'Names' are present in
Excel Sheet.
Excel Green Ribbon -> Formulas -> Name Manager
You will see all the Defined Names.
These names are primarily used for Data Validation Lists.
2. How to use 'quotes' with in a string
that needs to be used/printed.
"Just use double quotes for example ""this will be printed with
quotes"" but this is w/o quotes"
3. How to write a value to a cell in a
named sheet?
Dim mRow as long
dim mCol as long
mRow = 2
mCol = 5
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SheetName").Cells(mRow,mCol).Value = "Desired
OR with Sheet Index
20).Value = "abcd"
instead of Value,
4. How to clear en entire Column?
Note: In the above example, instead of using ClearContents, only
'Clear' can also be used, this will also clear any existing format
of this range.
5. How to clear/delete values from entire
6. How to Delete the row itself?
7. How to delete the entire column:
8. How to find last used Column
dim rowNo as
rowNo = 1
The above will find the last used column in first row. Change rowNo,
to find last used column in that row.
9. How to find last used Row
dim colNo as
colNo = 1
The above will find the last used row in first Column. Change the
colNo to find last used row in that column.
10. How to get the 'grey' default
borders back in Excel sheet using VBA.
At times while copying, or updating cell values, its possible that
the grey default boders of cell or a range are lost
And it just annoys you.
To get it back, here is the VBA code
Range("D:D").Borders.LineStyle = xlNone
Range("D:D").Interior.ColorIndex =
This will set the entire Column of D to its original default border
11. Excel VBA: How to dump an entire column
into a text file:
Dim oFile As String
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim cellVal As String
oFile = "C:\Users\avis\Desktop\output.txt"
Open oFile For Output As #1
lastRow =
'MsgBox lastRow
For ii = 1 To lastRow
cellVal =
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Output").Range("A" & ii).Value
Print #1, cellVal
Next ii
Close #1
The above code dumps entire column A from a sheet named "Output" to
O/P file "C:\Users\avis\Desktop\output.txt"
Note the hard codings. The column number '1'
is hard coded in the line:
lastRow =
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("output").Cells(sht.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
The column character 'A' is hardcoded
in the line:
cellVal =
& ii).Value
Both of these must be changed to change the column that needs to be
12. How to avoid quotes while dumping
values into output file
Use Print, instead of Write
Print #1,
Instead of
Write #1,
13. How to get first character form a
dim myStr as String
myStr = "Ganystring"
MsgBox Left(myStr,1)
14. How to remove all spaces from a string
dim tryStr as String
tryStr = "abcD efgH ijkL"
MsgBox Replace(tryStr, " ", "")
15. How do I switch sheets? How to I work
with a sheet without activating it?
How do I refer to a sheet without naming it again and
This is simple use the following
Dim shtName as String
Dim ColumnHeading as string
Dim mCell As Range
shtName = "Sheet1"
CoulmnHeading = "Country"
Set mCell =
.Rows(RowNum).Find(What:=ColumnHeading, lookat:=xlWhole)
MsgBox mCell.Address
End With
Notice the .Rows(dot rows) which will now refer to the Rows in the
above sheet "Sheet1"
16. How do I use Excel Built in
Functions/Formulas in VBA?
Just use 'WorksheetFunction.' as prefix. for example to use the
function/formula Dec2Hex, do the following:
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Key Words: Excel Names, Excel Lists, Delete Excel
Names, Delete Excel Named Lists, Delete Named Data Validation
Lists. Excel File I/O, dump into txt file, write vs print
Excel vba last used row, Excel vba last used column, Excel VBA delete row,
Excel VBA delete column