TESTS_INT = IntegrationTest RegAccessTests
TESTS_VERIF = ResetTests RegisterTests ProtectionTests ProtModeIntTests
ErrorRespTests TransferTests UserOneIntTests TwoFourIntTests
EightAllIntTests CSRTests Vic1 Vic2
all: all_int all_verif
all_int: rtl_int netlist_int
all_verif: rtl_verif netlist_verif
for tests in ${TESTS_INT} ; do \
$(ARM_VIC)/PL190_VC/vic_pl190/integration/bustest; \
${MAKE} $${tests} ; \
) ; \
$(ARM_VIC)/PL190_VC/vic_pl190/integration/vhdl; \
make rtl ; \
) ; \
formality_scan :
@-mkdir -p ${TARGET_TECH}/formality
@-rm -f ${TARGET_TECH}/formality/formalityscan.log
@export DESIGN=ARM926EJS_WRAP ;\
pushd ${TARGET_TECH}/formality ;\
fm_shell -f ${RTLHOME}/util/scripts/formality/formalityscan.tcl | tee
-a formalityscan.log ;\
Note '-mkdir' i.e a minus sign preceeding a command. Which is to ignore
the return value of 'mkdir'.
For example you dont know if the dir you are tring to create exists, so
it would be useful to have
@-mkdir instead of just @mkdir
Another Example of Makefile