OVM/UVM: A Practical Tutorial Using System Verilog
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-Aviral Mittal

Interface Writing.

As indicated in previous sections, to be able to write a UVM compliant Testbench we will need
to write some classes, some modules and an interface.

Lets start with the interface.
Interface, as the name sounds is usually an I/O list, which a DUT uses to interact with outside world.
Interface in UVM is also used to connect the UVM Testbench world with the Verilog DUT world.
UVM will drive the interface, and this interface will be connected to the DUT.
That is how UVM and DUT interact with each other.
In this tutorial we are trying to write a UVM compliant VIP which may be used to drive a AHB Slave port.
I.e. the UVM VIP will mimic an AHB Master.
Interfaces are written in System Verilog, no use of UVM in interface definition.
So let us first write the interface:

interface ahb_if();
  logic hclk;
  logic hresetn;
  logic [32-1:0] haddr;
  logic [1:0] htrans;
  logic hwrite;
  logic [2:0] hsize;
  logic [2:0] hburst;
  logic [3:0] hprot;
  logic [32-1:0] hwdata;
  logic [32-1:0] hrdata;
  logic hready;
  logic [1:0] hresp;
endinterface: ahb_if

Save the above as ahb_intf.sv
Its very intuitive, it has signals which an AHB master is expected to drive/accept.
Notice it also has clk and reset, but this wont be driven by UVM TB.
So now we have an interface which will be driven by UVM TB, and will connect to a AHB Slave DUT.

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KeyWords: OVM, UVM, SystemVerilog, Constrained Random Verification, Transaction Level Modelling.