Recording Made Easy
The Ultiate Action Camera Mobile Phone
Mount for Recording Tennis and Outdoor Sports.
Ever Wanted to Record your full
tennis Match which could last up to 3+ or 4+ or 5+ hours? You
need this revolutionary new Tennis Recording Stick. It not
only holds a recording device but also holds a power bank to
charge the recording device, while it records.

Power Bank Holder
Charge your Mobile/Action Camera while recording. Giving you the
Power to record for Virtually Unlimited time.
Multiple Adapters
Suitable for mounting most action cameras e.g GoPro etc or Mobile
Stability Plank
Keeps the Mount in Stable position, giving you a robust recording.
Securing Strap
Keeps the Mount secured, again to give you robust recording.
Made from real Wood
Hand Made in the UK using Real Wood Not Plastic
Recording Height
It Enables Recording from a Height of 3+ Meters. Which gives
excellent view of the court and players.
The Ultimate Tennis/Sports Action Camera Mobile Phone Mount.